The cutting of the sprue is always one of the most frequent requirements we receive from our customers and here you will find everything you may need to perform this task.
Our NW mini air nippers can perform both push and pull operations depending on the various models, so that the blade slides to the surface ensuring a perfect cut. A wide variety of blades (standard, thin, reversed, long, clip) are available, in order to suit different applications. We also provide the widest variety of accessories: not only replacement blades! From springs to pistons, you can find everything you may need to substitute the inner components of your nippers without the need to replace the entire article. If you need help in choosing the perfect blade, please refer to the selection guide hereunder.

How to select nipper

NT, NS, NR and NB series air nippers are used to cut direct or side gate sprues with a large diameter.
NTH and NKH series air hydro heat nippers are suitable for the gate cut of transparent parts, glass fibers or hard plastics: alongside the blade, temperature sensor harness and thermocouple harness are embedded. A desktop temperature controller for heat nippers is also available.

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The cutting of the sprue is always one of the most frequent requirements we receive from our customers and here you will find everything you may need to perform this task.
Our NW mini air nippers can perform both push and pull operations depending on the various models, so that the blade slides to the surface ensuring a perfect cut. A wide variety of blades (standard, thin, reversed, long, clip) are available, in order to suit different applications. We also provide the widest variety of accessories: not only replacement blades! From springs to pistons, you can find everything you may need to substitute the inner components of your nippers without the need to replace the entire article. If you need help in choosing the perfect blade, please refer to the selection guide hereunder.

How to select nipper

NT, NS, NR and NB series air nippers are used to cut direct or side gate sprues with a large diameter.
NTH and NKH series air hydro heat nippers are suitable for the gate cut of transparent parts, glass fibers or hard plastics: alongside the blade, temperature sensor harness and thermocouple harness are embedded. A desktop temperature controller for heat nippers is also available.